Thursday, May 29, 2014

Billy Ray Cyrus - Some Gave All

Monday was Memorial Day, a time when we are to remember those who fought and died for our country and it's freedoms.   I know this song is old, but to me, this song is what Memorial Day is. Some had to give all they were.

At this point in my life, all the family that I knew that were actually soldiers, have passed on except for my dad who was in the reserves and my Uncle who was also in the reserves in the 60's.

My kids have grown up without close family that were Veteran's, and the connection to Memorial Day is not what I would have hoped it would be, but songs like this allow me the ability to talk with my kids about what it means and why we should remember on Memorial Day.

Of course, with all the fighting going on in the Middle East, my kids do understand more than the generation before them, when there was nothing but peace. I still had Veteran's to learn from, but my cousin's kids, who are older than mine, yet she is young than me have no idea. The whole thing seems so foreign to them.

I hope that you listen to the words of this song, play it with your children and family, and remember what it means to be American. What it means to have the freedoms we have and what was given up for those freedoms. They didn't come free.

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